by San Vicente Palawan Property for Sale | Sep 12, 2024 | Blog, Endless, Go, Possibilities, What, Wrong
The home-buying process is exciting, exhilarating, extremely tiring and probably one of the most overwhelming tasks you’ve ever attempted. There could be hundreds of little things (and some big ones) that can go wrong and put your emotions in a tailspin.The searching... by San Vicente Palawan Property for Sale | Aug 31, 2024 | Blog, Closing, During, Happen, House, What
A real estate closing is when the home officially transfers from the seller to the new buyer. It’s also the event where all the money is settled up – including what the real estate agent earns on commission from the sale if you hired one to sell your... by San Vicente Palawan Property for Sale | Aug 23, 2024 | About, Appraisal, Blog, Know, Process, Should, What
A good real estate agent can help walk you through the appraisal process, but you can also go through it on your own if you plan to sell your home yourself. The cost of a typical home appraisal will depend on the state that you live in. In some areas, an... by San Vicente Palawan Property for Sale | Aug 11, 2024 | Blog, Definition, Home, Sweet, What
Before making the decision to purchase a home you may be enamored with, be sure you know your definition of what “home sweet home” is. For some, it may be a sleek, modern vision with marble floors, electrical gadgets and minimalistic in décor. Others may have a vision... by San Vicente Palawan Property for Sale | Jul 22, 2024 | About, Blog, Disclose, Duty, Know, Need, What
When you sell a home, your real estate agent will let you know what you have a duty to disclose. If you’re selling your home without the assistance of an agent, then you still have to disclose certain issues. Failing to disclose these issues can lead to a lawsuit and... by San Vicente Palawan Property for Sale | Jun 25, 2024 | Blog, Home, Inspectors, Look, What
Having a home inspection done before closing the deal on a new home is very important. Even though you may not be required to do so, getting a thorough home inspection will alert you to any problem areas in the house and its systems. Home inspectors are...